Tag Archives: India

India is her name – Promote Yourself

Hi guys.
Love the site. Not sure of protocol here, but below is a poem I have written about my love for India, recently featured on my travel blog: http://twentyfirstcenturynomad.com
I’d love to have my work featured on your cool site, with a cheeky request to link back to my blog…if that’s okay?
Thanks a lot.


India is her name

‘Evocative, repulsive, exotic, compulsive,

such a place I’ve traveled, to return much I’d give,

measures equal, serene beauty versus arduous pain,

against odds uneven, timeless dignity remains,


Amidst filth and squalor, death and anguish,

lies a peace and serenity, more respect I could not wish,

amazing grace in abundance, holy rivers and manners run deep,

a people so gracious, in shame did I weep,


In a land of plenty, yet a billion empty hands,

my own right to entitlement, I could no longer stand,

what one wants and one needs, in a moment becomes clear,

only sustenance to live, and warm hearts to hold dear,


Both her mountains and people, spectacular by birth,

I wager could not be found, a more honest place on earth,

despite her palaces and paupers, sacred cows, holy in vain,

cherished memories she gave me, and India is her name.’

By Steven Moore

Twenty First Century Nomad, Novelist & Freelance Writer.