Tag Archives: poverty

It is time

It is time to give

To the less fortunate than ourselves

It is time to pray

For all the hungry people in the world

It is time for peace

To unleash

All of the anger we hold within

It is time

To forget our needs

Let the poor breathe

Good  health

Let their faces sparkle

From wealth

It is time

When the world

Should be sowing a seed

To dismiss all the greed

To concentrate on peace

It is time to sow a seed of hope

To let all the bad things go

It is time to bring happiness

It is time I know

 Gillian Sims

A change is required

If we look about us what do we expect to see?

Would it be a world in which everyone is free?

A world where prosperity is shared by everyone,

Or one in which some people still live in poverty?


Is this the kind of world that God intended?

Is this scenario fulfilling God’s masterplan?

Or, has it come about through man’s manipulation,

With sin having an effect from the day the world began?


We are told that it was intended for man to live in harmony with God,

And that it was for his pleasure that man was created,

But man set out to gain his independence,

And for this reason, God’s plan has been frustrated.


Over the years the world has seen many changes,

But this does not mean it is a better place,

There have been many improvements in our standard of living,

But these do not apply to every member of the human race.


We live in a world where the burden of work has been eased,

Much of the hard labour has been replaced by machinery,

Many new tasks have been introduced,

Most of which are carried out by complex technology.


What difference has this knowledge made to us,

Are we living in a world where happiness knows no bound?

With all this progress in Science and technology,

Peace, satisfaction and harmony should be found.


To improve the conditions in which people live and work,

Is the objective for which people have fought and died,

The result of their work has been beneficial,

But each improvement can mean more people are dissatisfied.


We live in a world where comparison is rife,

Where many people are not satisfied with their lot,

They look around and see people with more than them,

Or, that some people have got something that they have not.


To many this is a cause of jealousy or envy,

They are not happy at another person’s obvious success,

They do not always accept that this success is deserved,

And this can lead to a sense of bitterness.


Social engineering has been applied to many aspects of our life,

But this has failed time and time again,

Real progress does not come about by changing conditions,

What is needed is a change in the hearts and minds of men.


Without this change other changes will be ineffective,

Greed, selfishness and intolerance will still hold sway,

There may be many improvements in our standard of living,

But in the long run we shall lose the day.


Ron Martin

In an ideal world

In an ideal world

Poverty would not exist

Wars would be a myth,

We would not have to protest

To be put to the ultimate test

In an ideal world

We would all unite

Create an international community

One that is airtight,

Where we wouldn’t be allowed to fight

In an ideal world

We could all travel across the globe

No barriers involved,

To live life to the extreme

No sadness or heartache to redeem

In an ideal world

We would all cherish one another

Like one would nurture a red rose,

We would be kind to our sister or brother

Care more about their whereabouts before time goes

In an ideal world

Twenty four hours would be one month

Lots more living to spare,

For persuing our ultimate dreams

Instead of surviving the dreaded credit crunch

In an ideal world

Travel would be free

To unite families who may live abroad,

Something refreshing for the eyes to see

To have freedom and a whole lot more

In an ideal world

By Gillian Sims